WRD2024 - 09: Radio and Music
Presenting a World Radio Day Minute. Proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 is World Radio Day…
The depth and breadth of radio’s programming these past 100+ years has been spectacular – especially in the arts. One area of the arts, perhaps most- deeply connected to radio, is music. The spectrum of music over more than 10 decades of radio has been diverse and reflective of the changing taste of the times as well as the colorful tapestry of world cultures. Going all the way back to Ragtime, these include Swing, Jazz, Blues, Classical, Big Band, Rock & Roll, Country, Folk, Calypso, Rhythm & Blues, Bollywood, Reggae, K-Pop, C-Pop, J-Pop, Hindustani, Juju, Rap, Hip Hop and so much more. Through its dynamic relationship with music, radio supports culture and creativity, in addition to preserving heritage, thereby enrichening our lives. This has been a World Radio Day minute from UNESCO.
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World Radio Day 2024
Type: Promotional material
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Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
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Rights: CC-BY-SA