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Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia

Language: English

New Biosphere Reserve, Colombia.
The Gulf of Tribugá, located in Chocó, is one of the few ecosystems in the world that is in balance. The connection between rivers, mangroves, the ocean and the coast also exists between the natural environment and the local communities that inhabit the area.

on this subject: For the press: download biosphere reserve footage form UNESCO Newsroom

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Place/region: Gulf of Tribugá, Colombia, Latin America, Caribbean
Type: B-Roll
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Publisher: UNESCO TV
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: STUDIO-2023_biosphere_reserves_colombia_tribuga_cupica_baudo
Rights holder: UNESCO