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Chimanimani Biosphere Reserve - Zimbabwe

Language: Silent film

New Biosphere Reserves 2022. The second biosphere reserve in Zimbabwe, Chimanimani comprises a mosaic of mountains, forests, grasslands and shrubs, along with freshwater ecosystems. The landscape extends into Mozambique, forming part of a proposed trans boundary biosphere reserve that would extend into the East African montane ecosystem, which is a global biodiversity hotspot. The biosphere reserve features six key biodiversity areas rich in endemic plant species and 88 archaeological sites. It is home to about 154,000 inhabitants who come mainly from the Ndau culture, most of whom speak an endangered language. The local population benefits from natural resources through tourism and non-timber forest products such as honey and livestock production.

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Place/region: Chimanimani, Zimbabwe, Africa
Type: B-Roll
Production and personalities:
Publisher: UNESCO TV
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Video.MOV
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: STUDIO-2022mab_zimbabwe_chimanimani
Rights holder: Chimanimani Biosphere Reserve