Decision no.1755/qd-ttg on september 8, 2016 approving the national strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam to 2020, vision to 2030

Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, ministry of information and communications, ministry of industry and trade, ministry of construction, ministry of finance, ministry of planning and investment , ministries and ministerial-level agencies, government
Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, ministry of information and communications, ministry of industry and trade, ministry of construction, ministry of finance, ministry of planning and investment , ministries and ministerial-level agencies, government
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Description of the policy/measure
This is a comprehensive national strategy for the development of cultural industries. the strategy covers 12 cultural industries with the intent to have a direct impact on the creation of a cultural market where cultural goods and services can meet viet nam's sustainable development criteria and international integration. this measure by the vietnamese government is one of the most direct and clear implementations of the unesco 2005 convention in viet nam. the formulation of the national strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam to 2020, vision to 2030, which the ministry of culture, sports and tourism is mainly held responsible for, is one of viet nam's greatest efforts in the process of implementing the 2005 convention for the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. it sees cultural development in its connection with the economic and social development of the country (increasing proportion contributing to gdp, employment and businesses in cultural industries), promotes the economic value of cultural and artistic creation activities (increasing number of creative individuals and creative ideas in all areas of cultural industries) and values the diversity in creativity of individuals, groups and communities in viet nam (increasing number of quality industrial goods and services to meet the recreational needs of both internal and external consumers). - the ministry of culture, sports and tourism shall assume the prime responsibility for, and formulate the action plan of the industries. they shall coordinate with and supervise relevant ministries and agencies and people's committees of provinces and municipalities to implement the national strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam to 2020, vision to 2030. the ministry is also responsible for making preliminary and final reports to the prime minister on the implementation of the strategy in each period; - directly organize the implementation of development objectives and missions in 5 sectors: cinema; performing arts; fine arts, photography and exhibition; advertising; cultural tourism; - propose commission to carry out ministry-level and national scientific and technological tasks to provide scientific foundations and solutions to organize the implementation of the national strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam. - the ministry of information and communications, the ministry of industry and trade, and the ministry of construction, based on the common viewpoints, objectives and solutions, have the responsibility to review, formulate and submit to the government for approval of the development strategies of the following sectors: architecture, softwares and games, handicrafts, publishing, fashion, broadcasting falling within their scope of management. - the ministry of finance and the ministry of planning and investment balance annual funding for the cultural industries development according to the decisions of the prime minister and coordinate with the ministry of culture, sports and tourism and other relevant authorities in formulating specific preferential mechanisms and policies to submit to the prime minister for approval. - the ministry of information and communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the ministry of culture, sports and tourism in directing and orienting news media agencies and information systems to raise awareness of the whole society on the development of vietnamese cultural industries. - ministries and ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, people's committees of provinces and municipalities, within the scope of their functions, missions and authority, have the responsibility to implement the strategy; ensure uniformity and synchronization with the implementation of socio-economic development plans of the sectors and localities.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
- currently, there have been 7 ministries and agencies and 51/63 localities who have developed plans and reported the implementation results of the decision no. 1755 / qd-ttg. - in october 30, 2019, ha noi became a creative city of design under the unesco creative cities network. - ministries and agencies focused on establishing and completing institutions, policies and laws to create a legal corridor and encourage the development of cultural industries, in particular: + law no. 42/2019/qh14 on "the amendment and supplement to a number of articles of insurance business law, intellectual property law" adopted by the 14th national assembly on june 14, 2019 at the 7th session and in effect from november 1, 2019, including the content on copyright and related rights. + the ministry of culture, sports and tourism has submitted to the prime minister to issue decree no. 22/2018/nd-cp on february 23, 2018 detailing a number of provisions and measures to implement the 2005 intellectual property law and law on the amendment, supplement to a number of provisions of the 2009 intellectual property law regarding copyright and related rights, creating an important legal corridor to encourage creative and cultural industries development as well as other specialized legal regulations such as cinema law, tourism law, advertising law and decrees with specialized guidelines on performing arts, fine arts, photography, which are gradually being perfected. + library law adopted by the 14th national assembly on november 21, 2019 at the 8th session and in effect from july 1, 2020. library law includes 6 chapters and 52 articles on the establishment and operation of libraries rights, obligations and responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in library activities - state management on library. + decree no. 23/2019/nd-cp dated february 26, 2019 of the government on exhibition activities. this decree includes 4 chapters and 20 articles on organization and coordination in the organization of exhibitions for non-commercial purpose in viet nam and overseas. - the ministry of culture, sports and tourism organized and devised action plans for 5 sectors: cinema, performing arts; fine arts, photography and exhibition; advertising; cultural tourism. the results thus far are as follows: + annually, using the state budget, ministry of culture, sports and tourism organizes activities of supporting, sponsoring and ordering as well as contests, exhibitions, fairs and festivals contributing to the investment and development of cultural industries. + the ministry has organized training abroad for talents in fields related to arts to build up high-quality human resources for the development of cultural industries, selected talents in the fields of arts like cinema, theater, fine arts, music, dance, circus, and culture for high quality training, creating human resources of performers to serve in the cultural industries. + the ministry has directed the units under the ministry to coordinate with the general statistics office (the ministry of planning and investment) to collect statistics on the film industry as well as performing arts, fine arts, photography and exhibitions, cultural tourism and advertising. in particular: film industry: the revenue of the film industry reached 3,228 billion vnd in 2017 (equivalent to approximately 140 million usd). in 2018, the revenue of the film industry was vnd 3,353 billion (approximately usd 145 million). in 2019, the revenue of the film industry is about vnd 4,000 billion (equivalent to approximately 170 million usd), achieving the objective of the national strategy before its deadline, with 41 vietnamese feature films in cinemas and 188 foreign feature films. the number of mobile film projection teams is 264, serving approximately 9,096,206 viewers. cultural tourism: in 2017, there were 12,922,151 million international visitors, an increase of 29.1% compared to 2016, and 73.2 million domestic visitors. the total revenue from tourists is more than 510,900 billion vnd, equivalent to 23 billion usd. in 2018, viet nam's tourism reached nearly 15.5 million international visitors and 80 million domestic visitors, with the total revenue from tourists reached more than 620,000 billion vnd. in 2019, for the first time, the total number of international visitors to viet nam broke record at 18 million visitors (increasing by 16.2% in comparison with 2018) and reached 85 million domestic tourists. the total revenue from tourists reached vnd 726,000 billion (up 17.1% over the same period in 2018). fine arts, photography and exhibition: in 2019 (up to december 15, 2019), 323 exhibition and exhibition for non-commercial purpose licenses were issued in the country. of this, 146 fine arts and photography exhibition licenses issued by the ministry, including 112 fine art exhibition licenses, 28 photography exhibition ones, 2 fine arts application exhibition ones, 4 export for non-commercial purpose ones, 32 painting and photo exhibitions of individuals and organizations were organized. there were 1.779 painters, 229 sculpturers, 1.686 photographers at the central and local level, 16 memorials were built and104 fine arts and photography composition camps were organized. performing arts: in 2017, more than 2,851 performances were organized (of which, 213 performances were for the remote areas, areas by the borders and islands) with total viewers greater than 1,418,300. ticket sale value was about 72,196,295,800 vnd. in 2018, 2,118 performances were organized; ticket sale value was about 104,165,240,400 vnd. in 2019, state-owned art troupes have staged 40 shows, 339 performances (including 652 performances for remote areas, areas by the borders and islands) with total revenue from ticket sale equaling 72,319,234,569vnd. local art troupes have staged 167 shows, 7,094 performances (including 3,065 performances for remote areas, areas by the borders and islands) with 7,023,646 viewers. total revenue from ticket sales equaled 37,967,806,785vnd. 162 licenses were issued to central art agencies and performing arts organizations to perform in the country. 193 licenses (340 artists) were issued to overseas vietnamese artists to viet nam to give performances. licenses were issued to 53 overseas art troupes to viet nam to perform and 9 domestic art ones to perform abroad. 2 licenses were issued to organize national beauty and model contests. a new decree on performing arts activities is being formulated, including regulations on investment and business conditions for businesses in the field of performing arts, with a focus on agent management. at the same time legal grounds are being created to collect statistics and establish a database. the market of performing arts was researched and evaluated (the number of businesses, number of performances, rate of performances in the regions and rate of organization of each type of performing arts) to set targets and plans for the development of national brand in the field of performing arts. advertising: in 2017, and the first 6 months of 2018, advertising revenue on tv was; 64,104,908,921 vnd, 1,067,129,234 in printed newspaper, 762,907,174 vnd in the magazine and 1,462,066,374 vnd on the radio. the number of enterprises in the advertising industry in 2017 was 2,963. in 2019 (up to december 15, 2019), the revenue from tv advertisements reached 44,977,000,000vnd (printed newspaper: 1,454,000,000vnd, written newspaper: 529,000,000vnd, magazines: 341,000,000vnd, outdoor advertisements: 1,445,000,000vnd, internet: 16,662,000,000vnd). the total revenue from advertisements from various means is 65,408,000,000vnd. there are more than 3,000 businesses working in the field of advertising in the country. thus far, there are 57/63 provinces and cities with issued advertising planning being implemented. a campaign providing information on the strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam in the field of advertising was organized - documentary films on policies and the system of legal documents on advertising management and the reality of advertising today were broadcasted.